God our Father, you made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that you inspire young people whom you call to priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow you will. Send workers into your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted, and your people are strengthened by the sacraments. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Vocations Prayer Chalice

Thank you to all those that volunteered to take our traveling vocations prayer chalice home with them each week, prior to our summer break. The Vocation Prayer Chalice program will begin again on the weekend of September 14th and 15th. Contact Lynette Major at 806-438-5820 for more information.

Please continue to pray for our diocesan vocations, our bishop, priests, deacons, seminarians, and religious. “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.’ Matthew 9:37-38

2024 Seminarians

Mission Statement

The goal of the Holy Spirit Parish Vocation Ministry is the promotion and encouragement of vocations to the priesthood and religious life among our parish community. Our work in the promotion of vocations will be in close collaboration with the Vocation Office of the Diocese. We will work to encourage families to promote vocations as we create an environment that fosters and encourages it. Finally, we will support and honor those priests and religious leaders already working in their vocation, most especially our pastor.


More Prayers for Vocations

Good and gracious Father, we thank you for the many blessings that you bestow on those who invoke your name. We thank you especially for sending us your Son, born of the virgin, to redeem the whole world. We commend ourselves to Mary, the holy mother of God, as we consecrate our ministry of promoting vocations to her most Immaculate Heart. Inspire our youth to respond courageously to your calling to the priesthood of religious life for our Diocese of Lubbock. And send your Holy Spirit, our Patron, to lead and guide us in the promotion of vocations, as we entrust this Vocation Ministry of your loving providence.

A Daily Prayer to Protect the Vocations of our Children
Father, while our children are young, hold them close to your heart. In this world confused by error and sin, guard their innocence and fill them with unshakable faith.
As they grow older, keep them true to your teachings, faithful to Sunday Mass and active within Your Church. May they sincerely seek Your will in all important life decisions, and when the time comes, open their hearts to Your call, whether to Christian marriage, priesthood or consecrated life. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Loving God, you call all who believe in you to grow perfect in love by following in the footsteps of Christ your Son. Call from among us more men and women who will serve you as religious. By their way of life, may they provide a convincing sign of your Kingdom for the Church and the whole world. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Gracious and loving God, help the men and women of our parish to hear the call to serve in the Diocese of Lubbock. Our needs are great, and our people thirst for your presence. Open the hearts of many, raise up faithful servants of the Gospel, dedicated, holy priests, sisters, brothers and deacons, who will spend themselves for your people and their needs. Bless those who are serving now with courage and perseverance. Grant that many will be inspired by their example and faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests takes place every year on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This year the Solemnity is on Friday, June 11, 2021.