Sunday Masses
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to make reservations to attend Mass. When we opened back up for public Mass we were concerned about how many people might be attending each Mass and were hoping to avoid turning anyone away. As time has passed, we are seeing a trend of how many are coming and at this time it is well below our limited capacity number. For this reason, we have decided to proceed without reservations for Mass attendance. We will not be making any other changes to the requirements for attendance. Masks must still be worn and social distancing guidelines will be followed. We also will still ask that you follow directions from our ushers and let them seat you.
We will continue to Live-Stream a Mass each weekend and they can be viewed on our Facebook page and Youtube. The obligation to attend Mass continues to be dispensed indefinitely in the Diocese of Lubbock. Please read Bishop Robert Coerver’s latest decree here.
Face Masks The Diocese is requiring that masks be worn by anyone attending a Mass in the Diocese of Lubbock.

Mass Guidelines and Covid-19 Precautions
Face Masks The Diocese is requiring that masks be worn by anyone attending a Mass in the Diocese of Lubbock.
Before You Arrive to Mass Please take the time to wash your hands before coming into the church. We encourage you to bring your own hand sanitizer that can be used before receiving Holy Communion.
Mass Arrival Procedures Please arrive at the church at least 10 minutes, but no more than 30 minutes before the beginning of Mass. Look for the signs in the gathering space instructing you where to wait to be seated by an usher. Please be willing to sit where you are asked.
Seating The church will be seated to fill the open pews from front to back. Every other pew will be closed off. Please remain in the pew you have been placed. Once you are seated for Mass, we ask you stay in the sanctuary until you are dismissed from your pew by the ushers after Mass.
Families with young children and babies may be seated at the back or in window seats so that they may have an easier time exiting if the need arises. The Nursery will not be available during any of our Masses.
Households, or everyone living under the same roof, may sit together in a pew. More than one household may also sit in a pew but there must be a 6-foot distance between families.
Singles will be asked to maintain a 6-foot distance from others in the pews.
Distribution of Holy Communion Please use hand sanitizer before coming up to receive the Body of Christ. If you do not wish to receive Holy Communion, please exit the pews and come through the communion line anyway. This prevents others from having to step over your legs, a helpful social distance practice.
Exiting the Pews After the final blessing, parishioners should remain in their pew until an usher signals your exit. Pews will be dismissed in an orderly fashion starting at the rear of the church and then moving forward. This is very important and helpful for our parish community health during this pandemic.