Prayer Chalice for Vocations
Our Prayer Chalice for Vocations program at Holy Spirit needs more families to help us continue this very important ministry. If you would like to receive the chalice at the Sunday Mass you attend, please sign up in the Traveling Prayer Chalice book located on the Vocations table in the gathering space. Someone from the ministry committee will contact you prior to your chosen Sunday to receive the chalice.

On the Saturday or Sunday that you have chosen, a chalice will be presented to you at Mass. Please come to the foot of the altar, during the Prayer for Vocations, to receive the chalice and a blessing from Fr. Rudi or one of our deacons.
Inside the prayer chalice are the names of the priest, religious, the ordained and deacon candidates who serve Holy Spirit Parish. You will also receive a prayer packet with suggested ways to pray, as well as the names of the clergy serving in our diocese, so that you can also include them in your prayers.
From there you are free to choose your unique manner of praying for them. It may be by reciting the prayers in the chalice, or maybe you might want to ask God to bless each one as you speak their names, or you might choose to spend an hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament as you lift them up in prayer, or you might choose to pray a daily Rosary for an increase in vocations. When and how often you pray for them during the week could potentially bear fruit for yourself, your family, as well as our diocese. God does amazing things when we pray.
Please bring the prayer packet and chalice with you to Mass the following Saturday/Sunday. You may place it on the Eucharist Ministry table in the gathering space at least 15 minutes before Mass, so that the ceremonial minister can take it to the altar before Mass begins.
Thank you for considering committing to be a part of the Prayer Chalice ministry by receiving the chalice and committing to pray for vocations. Thank you.