30th Sunday of Ordinary Time Readings October 25, 2020

God’s Word has many uses, and one is incorporating it into your lesson. The Sunday readings can be used in place of the Theme Refresher. There are links to the readings within the discussion section below. 

Matthew 22:39

Sunday’s Readings English    Spanish
1st Reading EX 22:20-26
Responsorial Psalm PS 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51
2nd Reading 1 THES 1:5C-10
MT 22:34-40

There are so many books, songs, and movies about love. Do you think love is important? God is love; the love we feel in our hearts. We need to remember he has given us this great gift and thank him every day for allowing us to feel love. The love that we share with our moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, etc., and most importantly, with God is what our whole life is about. Without God, there is no love.

In today’s gospel Jesus sums up all the teaching of a thousand years, five books of the bible and dozens of prophets in one sentence. He tells us what the most important thing God has to tell us. When Jesus is asked “which commandment is most important?” His answer has two parts. First we are to love God, second we are to love our neighbor, as we love ourselves. This teaching was not a new one for the religious leaders of Jesus’ time. What made it new and necessary was that Jesus presents both commandments as equally important. Today’s reading tells us there is no commandment more important to live by than the two great commandments.

As a family, think and talk about the following.

  • What was Jesus asked?
  • What is a commandment? It is a law or rule given to us by God to live like he wants us to live.
  • What is the first commandment Jesus tells us?
  • What are the two parts of the greatest commandment?
  • What makes the greatest commandment so important?
  • How do the two great commandments teach us how to live as God’s children?
  • How can you tell others about the great commandment?

These questions help us to go deeper into God’s Word.

  • Who are today’s “aliens, widows, orphans”?
  • Am I serving as a model of faith for people around me?
  • Am I being shaped and formed by my love of God?
  • Am I striving to see people and situations as God sees them?
  • Is my heart the compassionate heart of Christ?
  • Is my very being directed toward God?

Optional activities and resources that compliment this lesson can be found on the links below.

God’s Word
Saints of the Week
Family Activities
Additional Videos and Resources

Lesson Theme