Father Wesley has been officially appointed by Bishop Coerver as Holy Spirit’s Pastor, effective July 1, 2022, for six years. Bishop Coerver will install Father Wesley at the 5:00 PM Mass on July 2nd.

Dear Parishioners of Holy Spirit, I can hardly believe Christmas has come and gone. I want to thank all of you for your warm support, welcome, love, prayers, and presence at Holy Spirit since my arrival on October 1. You have been a blessing to me.
Secondly, I have received so many cards and kind gifts from you throughout this Christmas season, which have overwhelmed my “thank you note” writing abilities. Please know I cherish every card, note, and kind gift you sent my way.
I am greatly humbled by your love and generosity. Know that you all are in my prayers. Please pray for me, that I fulfill the role God has for me while serving you as your pastor.
With gratitude in our Lord,
Fr. Wesley (January 2022)
Holy Spirit Parish welcomes Father Wesley Beal. Bishop Robert Coerver S.T.L., M.S. assigned Father Wesley to serve as our new priest after the sudden passing of our beloved Fr. George Roney. He will join us October 1st as our parochial administrator.
Father Wesley brings many talents to Holy Spirit. He holds two seminary degrees: a Master of Divinity from Sacred Heart in Hales Corners, WI; and a Master of Theology from Dallas Theology Seminary. Additionally, he holds three music degrees: a B.M. from Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY; and two master degrees from SMU in Dallas: an MM in Piano Performance and an MM in Organ Performance. Fr. Wesley served as adjunct Piano Faculty and Staff at Southern Methodist University for 17 years concertizing frequently in the Dallas area and beyond. He won an international Bach organ competition at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC in 1999, and concertized 5 weeks in Bulgaria promoting American chamber music in Bulgaria through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in 2002-2003.
Fr. Wesley worked for AT&T 13 years (11 in marketing), 17 years at SMU as Adjunct Piano Faculty and Staff and has concertized widely as a chamber musician. Fr. Wesley was married 38 years before his wife died of cancer. Both Fr. Wesley and his wife were received into the Catholic Faith on July 1, 1999, after having been Episcopalian 13 years, and various other Protestant iterations.
Fr. Wesley grew up on a livestock and grain farm in northwestern Illinois. Lastly, Fr. Wesley loves exercising believing it is important for a priest to stay fit and healthy. Prior to serving at Holy Spirit, he was Parochial Vicar at Christ the King Cathedral. He will continue to serve as Chaplain for Christ the King School. Welcome, Father Wesley! We look forward to working with you!