Adult Faith Formation Commission

HSCP Faith Formaiton Image

A Place of Welcome and Service to All

Holy Spirit Catholic Church

August 2016

Vision: to invite and motivate every adult of HSCC so that we can form a perfect Body of Christ.
Adult Faith Formation Commission Director: John Arcisz, 469.261.8637.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: David Powell, Brad Brooks, Kelly Shehan, Heather Hormel

tmiyThat Man is You! (TMIY)
Theme: The Revelation of the Father
Leaders: Trent Paul & Jim Decker

  • Meets Tuesday mornings at 6:00 am and Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm in Room 118, except in the summer
  • Faith based group of men focused on being a better man, adult and parent
  • Begins September 8th, the 3rd and final year, it’s not too late to become a BETTER MAN!
  • No prerequisite of prior years participation is necessary to join.

arise-2014-470x157ARISE: (Faith Communities)
Leader: Val Monteilh


  • This ARISE’s third and final year.
  • The intent is to build strong, home based faith communities that meet a minimum of two time per month to discuss every-day spiritual and faith based scenarios.
  • No prerequisite of prior years participation is necessary to join.
  • The potential for this group to shift from the ARISE format to a different, more compelling agenda is distinct. Potential ideas are:
    • Genesis to Jesus
    • Book Club
    • Structured Bible study

thXELSVTGIYoung Adult Group
Leader: Kelly Shehan



  • Meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm.
  • Intended for young, single adults from 18 to 30, but married couples are welcome
  • Primary purpose is to meet people and grow in faith


RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation
Leader: Juno Bishop




  • Theme: The process of becoming fully initiated into the Catholic faith
  • Meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm.
  • Commitment to being a Catechist for one year
  • Studies include main characters of the Bible, Gospels, salvation history, the sacraments, Mary, saints, early church fathers, purgatory, Church authority, Mass, and more.


faithalive_480x158Faith Alive (Bible Study)
Leaders: Laurel Johnson & David Powell


  • Theme: “The Feasts” of the Old Testament as prescribed in the Book of Leviticus and the study of the Book of Acts
  • Meets on Sunday mornings from 9:10-10:15 am.
  • An interactive class that answers any questions you may have concerning your faith.
  • No prerequisite of prior years participation is necessary to join.

catholic101_700x160Catholic 101
Leader: David Powell


  • Theme: Want to know more about YOUR religion?
  • Part 1 – David uses a Scripture-based open dialogue format to guide you through gaining a better understanding of “Catholicism”
  • Part 2 – Walk through the Bible ‘Genesis to Jesus Class’
  • Meets on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:00 pm.

womenBibleWomen’s Bible Study
Leader: Sister Rose Erispe, M.S.L.T.



  • Theme: Encourage each other in fellowship and prayer and to share personal faith journeys  while studying the Bible – Catholic faith connection through various Bible study formats including DVD productions from EWTN and Ignatius Press
  • Meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am in Room 118 of the Education Building
  • Meets on Wednesday mornings 9:00 for prayer intentions and to recite the Rosary  prior to Bible study
  • No prerequisite or prior participation is necessary to join.
  • This faith-filled group has been meeting for over 6 years and always welcomes newcomers.
  • Book Club meets on Monday mornings at 9:00 am
  • Lives of the Saints prayer meeting on Friday evenings

resized52Faith in Action
Leaders: Mike & Amy Craig – Basket 52

Deacon Michael Kenny – Prison Ministry

Rob Hogan – Saint Benedicts



  • These groups are involved in different out-reach programs and are looking for motivated volunteers.
  • There are no meetings
  • Volunteers can participate on their available dates and times

Practical Spirituality
Leaders: Ed & Kathryn Loskill

  • Theme: Reawaken your spirituality and faith and to bring the faithful back to the sacraments
  • Topics: forgiveness, mercy, sacraments and prayer
  • Meets on Wednesday from 6-7:00 pm year round
  • First 30 minutes are dedicated to learning
  • The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited during the last 30 minutes

Catholic 201
Leaders: Dr. David Marzak

  • Theme: 1st Semester – Trinity of Humanism Image of God
  • 2nd Semester – Logic & Politics as perceived by our Catholic faith
  • Meets on Wednesday from 6-7:00 pm
  • Participation is by invitation or request only (form required)

ChoiceWineThe Choice Wine: Seven Steps to a Superabundant Marriage
Leaders: John & Leslie Arcisz, David & Beth Hinojosa, Charles & Bonnie Chavez





  • Theme: Interactive nine-week multimedia program specifically designed for couples
  • Choice Wine is a pathway to authentic marital happiness.
  • Couples will learn how to virtually divorce-proof their marriages, experience the superabundant love and mercy of God, and realize a foretaste of Paradise in their marriages and families.
  • Website Video here
  • Meets on Sundays at 8:30 pm in McGivney Hall
  • Child-care will be available.
  • Begins on Sunday, September 13, 2015

Ramsey2Dave Ramsey Financial Freedom
Leader: Tim Kelley


  • Theme: Nine-week video course that presents a financial plan designed to help you get your finances in order, get out of debt, and achieve financial freedom incorporating Christian principles
  • Meets on Mondays from 6-8:30 pm in McGivney Hall
  • Begins on Monday, September 14, 2015

GenesisToJesusGenesis to Jesus Online Study
Leader: David Powell






  • Theme: An intense self-paced study of the profound link between the Old and New Testament Scripture and the Catholic Faith
  • Website