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HSCP Covid-19 Updates

May 31, 2021


Please follow social distancing guidelines and prevent the spread of Covid at HSCP. Please be mindful of what you touch while you are in the church and how the corona virus is spread. You are encouraged to bring your own hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes to use, but there are some available if you do not have any.  Covid 19 Transmission       Protective Measures


Bishop Robert Coerver’s March 12, 2021 Statement on Reopening here

Bishop Robert Coerver’s December 9, 2020 Statement on the Covid-19 Vaccine here .

United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s statement on the Covid-19 Vaccine Here .

Dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass Please remember that the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Saturday Vigils is still in effect in the Diocese of Lubbock. 

Live-Stream Masses can be viewed on our YouTube page and  Facebook page.  The obligation to attend Mass continues to be dispensed indefinitely in the Diocese of Lubbock. Only attend Mass if you are comfortable and certain that you not experiencing any Covid symptoms. Please read Bishop Robert Coerver’s decree here

Confessions are available on Saturdays from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. They are also available and by appointment. Please call the parish office for an appointment.


CLEANING HELP NEEDED! Please make a commitment to stay after Mass one Sunday a month to help sanitize the pews. Thank you.




Mass Guidelines and Covid-19 Precautions

Face Masks The Diocese is requiring that masks be worn by anyone attending a Mass in the Diocese of Lubbock.

Before You Arrive to Mass Please take the time to wash your hands before coming into the church. We encourage you to bring your own hand sanitizer that can be used before receiving Holy Communion. 

Mass Arrival Procedures Please arrive at the church at least 10 minutes, but no more than 30 minutes before the beginning of Mass. Look for the signs in the gathering space instructing you where to wait to be seated by an usher.  Please be willing to sit where you are asked. 

Seating The church will be seated to fill the open pews from front to back. Every other pew will be closed off. Please do not spread yourselves out of this prescribed order.  We will try to keep any unused space closed off as this will ease our cleaning requirements after each Mass. Once you are seated for Mass, we ask you stay in the sanctuary until you are dismissed from your pew by the ushers. 

Families with young children and babies may be seated at the back or in window seats so that they may have an easier time exiting if the need arises. The Nursery will not be available during any of our Masses.

Households, or everyone living under the same roof, may sit together in a pew.  More than one household may also sit in a pew but there must be a 6-foot distance between families.

Single individuals will be asked to maintain a 6-foot distance from others in the pews.

Exiting the Pews After the final blessing, parishioners should remain in their pew until an usher signals your exit.  Pews will be dismissed in an orderly fashion starting at the rear of the church and then moving forward.

Thank you Volunteers We appreciate our ushers and all those who stay after Mass to help clean the pews and sanctuary. We could use some additional help, so if you are interested please call the office at 806-698-6400 You can also send an email to  karen@holyspiritlubbock.org  Our parish continues to be appreciative of and dependent on volunteers.

Sanitizer Needed! Do you have extra hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, Lysol, etc. and want to share? Those particular items are still difficult to find and we would appreciate any help in keeping our parish supplied.  Feel free to bring them by the office anytime!

Votive Candle Devotions We must keep the doors to the Sanctuary locked after we have sanitized in order to be prepared for the next Mass. Therefore, we have moved the candles to the Gathering Space so they are available for individuals who would like to light a candle in prayer. Please place $2 in the money box for each candle lit. Your $2 covers our cost for purchasing the candles.

Adoration Chapel – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 

Eucharistic Adoration provides the opportunity to just be in His presence and be still; it’s a retreat from the world. Our chapel is available for prayer and adoration from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM, except at 10:00 am during the week when we close the chapel so it can be cleaned and disinfected. Please practice cleaning guidelines that are posted near the door when you leave and make sure the tabernacle doors are closed and the lights are off. Thank you.


Your generosity is appreciated. Thank you to all who have been so generous to our parish during this pandemic. Many of you have made a point to set up online giving, mailed in envelopes, or slid them under the door. We are aware that this may be a financially difficult time for many of you and we are very grateful for anything you are able to share with your parish at this time. 

We have installed a drop box on the office door that we hope will provide you with a convenient and secure way to drop things off to our office. The box is located on the office door, this drop box has a securely locked box on the inside of the door so that anything you leave will be secured safely until it is opened by our office staff.


If you wish to make your weekly donation to Holy Spirit by mail, you can mail it to Holy Spirit Catholic Church 9821 Frankford, Lubbock, TX 70424 or make an online donation. Online Giving

Prayer for a Spiritual Communion – My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


Divine Mercy Chaplet Wednesdays at 3:00 PM  Chapel. Masks are required and social distancing rules must be followed.




Prayer During Pandemic Lord Jesus, Hear our pleas, our good shepherd and divine physician. We implore your mercy in the wake of an outbreak of serious illness and disease. Guide our efforts to prevent contagion and make preparations to care for those most vulnerable. Assist all professionals and volunteers who work to eradicate the epidemic now spreading. May our actions be marked by your steadfast love and selfless service and never by panic or fear. Bestow your comfort and healing to the sick, sustain and strengthen them by your grace. May they know your closeness as they carry the cross of illness. And may all you have called from this life come to worship you eternally with all the saints as you grant consolation and peace to their mourners. Amen. Holy Mary, Health of the Sick, pray for us. St. Joseph, Hope of the Sick, pray for us. St. Rocco, protector against epidemics, pray for us.


A Prayer of Solidarity during Covid-19 we pray for care and healing.
For those who are particularly vulnerable, we pray for safety and protection. 
For all who experience fear or anxiety, we pray for peace of mind and spirit.
For affected families who are facing difficult decisions between food on the table or public safety, we pray for policies that recognize their plight.
For those who do not have adequate health insurance, we pray that no family will face financial burdens alone.
For those who are afraid to access care due to immigration status, we pray for recognition of the God-given dignity of all.
For our brothers and sisters around the world, we pray for shared solidarity.
For public officials and decision makers, we pray for wisdom and guidance. 
Father, during this time may your Church be a sign of hope, comfort and love to all.
Grant peace. Grant comfort. Grant healing. Be with us, Lord. Amen.

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May 31, 2021


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Holy Spirit Catholic Church
9821 Frankford Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424 United States
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