Worship Commission
Commissioner Contact: Latisha Baker
The purpose of the Worship Commission is to create a prayerful atmosphere and proclaim the Catholic faith so that our liturgical celebrations mirror heavenly worship.
Choirs and Musicians: Dr. Katie & Dr. Rob DeVet
Volunteers help organize liturgy planning sessions for the liturgical seasons and weekend Masses. Attend weekly choir practice and assisted at funerals and weddings if available.
I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will declare all your wondrous deeds. I will delight and rejoice in you; I will sing hymns to your name, Most High. Psalm 9:2
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Mary Ellen Doskocill cce@holyspiritlubbock.org
Wedding Rehearsals: George Garant
Altar Care Contact: Grace Simmons
Thank you to these ladies that have used their time and talent to laundry the alter linens/Eucharistic purificators. . Your service is much appreciated! If you would like to help with this ministry, please call the parish office.
For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them: if prophecy, in proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching; if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness. Romans 12:4-8
Environment Committee
The group is responsible for seeing all items relating to the liturgical environment are properly prepared for each Mass: vestments, cinctures, flowers, altar clothes and linens. Volunteers meet monthly to plan for upcoming liturgical seasons. They maintain the cleanliness of the sacred vessels, furnishings, linens, vestments, and ceremonial items: candles, tabernacle lamp, baptismal font and holy water fonts. Their dedication of time and services enhance our spiritual environment.
Lectors: Laurel Johnson
Duties of the lectors include:
- Prepare the reading for which he/she is scheduled, including proper pronunciation of unfamiliar words
- Arrive in sufficient time prior to Mass to be recognized as present and prepared.
- Dress appropriately for duties during Mass. Deliver the reading appropriately.
- Responsible for finding appropriate substitute if cannot do reading for which he or she is scheduled.
Extraordinary Ministers Contact: Jo Mogan
Duties of the Eucharistic ministers include:
- Arrive in sufficient time prior to Mass to be recognized as present and prepared.
- Dress appropriately for duties during Mass.
- Receive/distribute the host/cup as appropriate.
- Replace cups and purificators behind altar after consuming remaining precious blood.
- Responsible for finding appropriate substitute if cannot minister for which Mass he or she is scheduled.
- Sees ceremonial cups are washed after Masses
Ceremonial Minister/Sacristan Contact: Rollo Gurss
Duties of the ceremonial minister/sacristan:
- Oversees all preparations at the altar for Masses
- Ensures the appropriately colored vestments and cinctures for priest and altar servers are available for Mass
- Ensures the proper number and types of altar servers are present for each Mass
- Oversees altar servers during Masses
- Ensures the lectors and Extraordinary ministers are present in the appropriate number(s) for Mass and assists the priest during Mass.
Altar Servers: Contact: David Garza
Trains the altar servers in the various duties required of them at Mass and fosters a camaraderie amongst them. Please contact David if your children and teens would like to volunteer as an altar server.
Ushers Contact:
Usher duties include: greeting and assists with seating those arriving for Mass, selecting gift bearers for each Mass, directs parishioners to the communion line, takes up and secures the collection, maintains the security of the church during Mass. Please contact Brad if you are interested in assisting with this ministry.
Nursery/Child Care Contact: Abrya Herrera
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our Church office at 806.698.6400 for more information. You may also submit the following information to the parish office or submit the form online.
Worship Commission Volunteer
Volunteer for Worship Commission