Development Commissioner:
- Develop parishioner understanding of God’s call to service.
Provide opportunities for parishioners to fulfill Christ’s call.
Foster discipleship throughout our Parish by coordinating with all commissions within Holy Spirit. - Actively recruit and seek parishioner involvement.
Recognize and thank parishioners for sharing their time, talent and treasures. - Communicate important information to parishioners including progress on our new sanctuary and overall church plans and finances.
Through Christ, our parish family grows, and the Development Commission supports our growth by providing the financial resources needed to accommodate worship space and classroom facilities. You have probably seen how this helps to enhance the spiritual, social, liturgical and educational needs of our parishioners. The commission is made up of volunteers who assist to secure major gifts, educate parishioners about planned giving and endowments, and more. Parishioners with experience in finances or tax law are needed to assist parishioners with Will and Estate Planning. Other expertise includes photographers, writers, layout designers and web designers to communicate our progress via the bulletin, web site, and e-mails.
7.-My-Catholic-Giving-GuideStewardship Committee
The life of a Christian Steward models the life of Jesus. Teaching parishioners about Christ’s call to discipleship and developing spirituality at Holy Spirit is our mission. “We receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.”
Volunteers are responsible for implementing the annual Stewardship renewal and assisting parishioners with gift discernment and membership into new or existing ministries. Volunteers also co-ordinate the annual Volunteer Fair and work with other Commissions to promote discipleship within our Parish.
- educating parishioners regarding stewardship of their time, talent and treasure envelope use by parishioners and their children
- planned giving messages with emphasis on increasing weekly donations for current operations and debt reduction
- conducting the Volunteer Fairs held annually the weekend prior to Thanksgiving.
Memorials honor loved ones and special people. A “Walk of Faith” brick is available for purchase which becomes part of the floor in the breezeway between the entrance doors and the gathering space. Volunteers will create a memorial catalog, brochures and develop new memorial opportunities. They will also follow up with calls and mail outs.
Grant Writing Committee
Jesus preached responsibility to reach out to those in need and we are not alone in our spiritual journey. Many institutions, individuals and foundations provide financial support for causes that mirror the many mission’s at Holy Spirit. The grant writing committee locates and requests funding from these sources. Parishioners who enjoy research or writing are needed.
- coordinates with the pastor and finance committee regarding needs and budgets for needed items
- searches for foundations and other organizations that provide grant or foundation funds to support various needs-based missions of parishes
- approaches agencies to solicit letters of interest
- approach to Diocese to receive clearance for the ask
- prepares and submits the requests, following Diocesan approval
- does any necessary follow-up to the ask