BASKET 52: Your Donations Help Those in Need.

Help us fill the pantry at Catholic Charities. Food donations are used to fill holiday meal boxes as well as provide food to the needy at all times during the year. Please feel free to pick up a grocery bag to help us fill the pantry. Stapled to the bag will be a list of suggested nonperishable items.

All donated food will be taken to Catholic Charities. Thank you to all who continue to support Basket 52. Currently needed are nonperishable items listed below. Please note, Catholic Charities cannot accept any frozen foods, items with an expired expiration date, or any opened packaged items. Donations may be dropped off in the basket on the Basket 52 table. 


Monetary Donations are also accepted. The money donated is used to help families who need financial assistance with utilities, rent, etc. Money can be placed in the suggestion box in the foyer, which is the old gathering space in front of McGivney Hall. Thank you for your generosity. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept clothes at the Basket 52 table. Please deliver these items to the Catholic Charities ReSale Center at 1505 34th St. Facebook

Pantry Staples

Flour, Sugar, Corn Meal, Cooking Oil, Shortening
1# bags of pinto beans
1# bags of rice
Cup of noodles/Romain Noodles, Mac & Cheese
Powdered/canned milk
Breakfast cereals, Instant Breakfast cereals
Breakfast bars, Protein bars, Pop Tarts
Tuna, Chicken, Spam, Vienna Sausage, Chicken Salad
Canned Fruit
Peanut Butter, Jelly
Variety of canned vegetables Catholic Charities’ pantry stocks plenty of green beans, corn, and peas.

Household Cleaners: Laundry detergent/ Bleach/ dishwashing soap
Personal Items: Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste/ toothbrushes, disposable razors
Other Necessities: toilet paper and baby diapers