We have a very dedicated group of volunteers that are preparing and serving a meal to the Homeless at St. Benedict’s every six weeks on Saturday. They need your help! We are looking for more volunteers to prepare chicken spaghetti or desserts so that the same people are not being asked to prepare every time. Servers are also wanted. If you could help contact Craig Bednarz at craigbednarz@me.com or call the office and let us know!
As we were reminded during the reading from the letter of St. Paul to Titus at the Mass of Midnight on Christmas Eve, God has given us a gift in the person of Jesus Christ. This gift purifies us as God’s people but also comes with an expectation: that we receive it with thanksgiving, allowing it to transform us into Christ’s image; learning to live a life “eager to do what is good.”
Father Rudi would like to extend his deepest gratitude to all of the wonderful parishioners who have indeed taken this gift to heart and used their time, talent and treasure in grateful thanksgiving during Advent and Christmas.
The gift of time: Environment committee who so beautifully decorated the sanctuary and gathering space; those who decorated the Angel Trees, collected and distributed the gifts; the ushers who set up and then cleaned up chairs to handle the overflow crowd; all the lectors, servers, av operators, and ministers who served at Mass.
The gift of talent: the choir and all musicians; all who participated in and helped with the Children’s Pageant.
Finally, a special thank you to all who so willingly shared their treasure through gifts for the needy and in support of Holy Spirit. May you all be greatly blessed!
Make plans now to attend the annual Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, November 11th! Meal Served 11:00—1:00 PM Takeout available 9:00—1:00 Adults: $10 Children: $5 Meal includes: Turkey and all the trimmings, dessert and tea. Meal tickets will not be presold.
Your support helps the Knights fund their charitable causes. We hope you can join us. Read more….. Knights Corner
The Grounds Committee needs your help. Bring shovels, gloves, rakes, brooms or blowers, hedge trimmers and a trash can if you can. Help us get our church grounds ready for winter. Our focus will be on the Marquee sign flowerbed on Frankford, dirt work on the north east corner and sidewalk cleanup off of 98th as well as some weeding and hedge trimming. Come join the fun on Saturday morning!
Additional Committee Members Needed
The Grounds Committee is looking for additional members who are interested in helping the ongoing efforts of keeping the grounds at Holy Spirit looking sharp. Please call the Parish Office and let Karen know if you are interested. We are looking for gardeners, tree specialists, landscapers, mowers, contractors, landscape architects and hard workers! Generally, anyone who has a special interest or calling to help our Parish and to honor the Lord through the work of our hands.
ProLife Prayer Vigil- Through-Sunday, November 4, 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. and 4:30-6:30 p.m., 3303 66th-parking lot of the Nurturing Center. Participants will gather for a peaceful prayer vigil for life. Signs will be available on the front porch of the Center. For information or to signup, please go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080a49aca622a31-40days or contact Beth Pressley, Saint Elizabeth parishioner and Board Secretary for the Nurturing Center, at 806-789-9002 or medmep@sbcglobal.net. Although Planned Parenthood left Lubbock in 2013, they are working to bring abortion centers back to West Texas, perhaps within a year.
Lubbock Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Annual Convention at St. Michael’s, Ralls on Saturday, November 3, 2018. Registration is $12 before Oct. 26th and $15 at the doors and includes Continental Breakfast and lunch. The day includes several talks on contemporary issues, workshop, Mass, Country Store for a missionary project and silent auction. Join women across the Diocese. The conference lasts from 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM. For registration and a ride to Convention, call Pat Conover at 806-863-2030. Or, send to Angie Cervantes, 1020 Ave. A, Ralls, TX 79357. For questions call Angie at 806-445-5774.
SPIRITUAL WARFARE RETREAT – October 20, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., (in English) by Father Nahum Lopez. Donation $25.
SALT AND LIGHT” RETREAT- Saturday October 27, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. (Discipleship retreat)– Presenters: Marsha Luke, Sister Jane Venhaus and team. With God’s grace, we learn to listen and to understand how God is leading us to make a difference in our world. Donation $15.
Our Lady of Angels Convent, 8202 CR 770, Wolfforth, Texas.
All Youth Retreat. Sign up for the Timeless Retreat November 3-4. We will be going to Ceta Canyon. Cost is $150.00. Financial help is available. The cost includes transportation, lodging, meals, and the Ropes Course. Sign ups are due by October 21 Any question please call Peggy Klein in the Youth Office.