More information on the Diocese of Lubbock web page.

To give online to the Catholic Offering for Ministries, click here.
Rudy Rindon & Grandchildren-Christ the King Students
If you are interested in exploring a Catholic education for your children, we invite you to schedule a personal tour of CTK Schools. Learn how our faculty and staff can provide your students an exceptional education in a faith-filled environment. From strong academic programs to extracurricular activities and athletic programs, CTK provides students with the personalized attention that will help them fulfill their educational goals. Discounts are available for active and participating parishioners in the Diocese of Lubbock as well as financial aid! Contact Mrs. Becky King, our admissions coordinator, at the school office, 795-8283, or by email at to schedule a tour or for more information. Come Experience The Word with Christ the King!
Christ the King Catholic School ADOPT-A-STUDENT – If you are interested in supporting the Adopt-a-Student Program, please visit the “School Donations” page of the school website,, and click on the “Donate” button at the bottom of the page. If you would like to receive more information or ask questions, please contact the School Development Office at (806)795-8283 or via email at
TEACHING POSITIONS POSTED ––Substitute Teachers – All Grade Levels PreK through High School – Preference will be given to substitute teachers with 60 or more college hours or teaching certificate. Letters of Interest, resumes and references can be submitted to Christ the King Cathedral School. There are also two job openings for support staff, a full-time custodian and a part-time cafeteria employee. Applications can be printed from the CTK Schools website
HSCP Parents Day Out 2024-2025 For more information please call Holy Spirit Parent’s Day Out & Preschool 806.698.1668
Three Options Available Open to ages 4 months to 5 years.
Monday & Wednesday: 8:30 am—2:45 pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30 am—2:45 pm
Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 am—2:45 pm.
Extended Stay is available until 4:30 pm for children ages 1 and up. We offer parishioner and multi-child discounts! Call 698-1668 for more information.
Holy Spirit Parents Day Out & Preschool is looking for fun, energetic and creative people that love to work with children. If this sounds like you and you would like to work great hours and have weekends off, please contact us. We would love to share information about our program and career opportunities. Call: 806-698-1668. Our hours are: Monday through Thursday 8:15 am-2:45pm.
Catholic Foundation guide The Catholic Estate & End-of-Life Planning Guide published by the Catholic Foundation of the South Plains is available online at or in print
form by emailing Tricia Vowels at
Marriage & Family Life office on Facebook:
Looking for Catholic family life resources on Facebook? Like and follow the Diocese of Lubbock Office of Marriage
and Family Life on Facebook at @CatholicLubbockFamilyLife
Catholic Charities staff is available online at (806) 765-8475. Most are working remotely from home. For specific needs: Food for Your Family: Fill out a form for assistance at A case manager will call you to get additional information over the phone and via email. Go to South Plains Food Bank to pick up food when your case manager tells you. Support for Your Family: Families may be feeling more stress during this uncertain time. Catholic Charities Youth and Family department is still here to help families’ mental and emotional health. Case managers can help with family conflict, stress, anxiety and more. To be contacted by a case manager, fill out a form at
Online Safe Environment Training Parish volunteers & staff remember you can take your safe
environment training through the diocese’s website at
Rachel’s Vineyard – Recovery after Abortion Give us a call and join us on the next Rachel Weekend Retreat. There is hope for healing after abortion and Rachel’s Vineyard is here to help. Contact: Mindy at or (806)702-2284.
Separated? The church is here to help you heal. Divorce Care is a confidential support group for individuals who are separated or divorced. During this 12 week video series we discuss different topics, such as Anger, Loneliness, Forgiveness, Finances, Dealing with Family, Growing closer to God, and much more. This program is based on the teaching of the Catholic Church and is open to anyone who needs comfort, counsel, and clarity after divorce. For more information please call Diane Pyle at 806-790-6220 or Deacon David Close at 806-787-0259.
Connect with the Diocese of Lubbock @CatholicLubbock on Twitter & Instagram. Send South Plains Catholic story ideas, stories, and photos (including names and explanations) to: PO Box 98700, Lubbock, Texas 79499-8700, or
Reporting Abuse or Neglect It is the policy of the Diocese of Lubbock to report any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to law enforcement. Once local law enforcement, or the child abuse/vulnerable adult hotline has been called, information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor should also be reported to Victim Assistance Coordinator Oscar Reyes at (806) 543-9178 or to diocesan officials.
Joseph’s Corner Healing after Abortion Ministry – Project Joseph, 469-416-2101 or
Catholic War Veterans Join other veterans on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the K of C Hall on Erskine. Information: Father Brian Wood at
Need Help with Childhood Depression? Seeing a child, you love struggle with depression is a helpless feeling. But, if you are concerned, has created a free online-only Kids and Depression guide at Another source is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800)273-8255. It offers confidential help 24 hours a day.
Counseling Affordable marriage and family counseling offered by Marriage & Family Life Office, in collaboration with TTU Marriage & Family Clinic. For appointment, call Dr. Nicole Springer at 806-742-3074
Promise to Protect—Pledge to Heal-The Lubbock Diocese Victim Assistance Coordinator is available to help anyone who has been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church. Contact: Oscar Reyes 806-543-9178
Our Lady of Victory Radio Visit 102.9 FM website at to hear live streaming of EWTN. For program schedule, please see Nurture you catholic faith with books, Bible studies, audio recordings, videos, and movies. You have FREE access to the best resources available. To set up your account: Visit