The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults has become the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. The name has changed – but we’re still the same! If you are 18 years old or older and would like to join us, complete your Sacraments, or simply attend and learn more about us, we would love to have you join us.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is the result of the directives from Vatican Council II, called by Saint John XXIII, and the United States Council of Catholic Bishops to help initiate adults into the Catholic Christian Community. Lessons and discussions from our Team cover: the History of the Church, the Mass, the Eucharist, the Bible, Church Fathers, Prayers, Saints, the Liturgical Calendar, Holy Days of the Church, the Vatican, Marriage, the Creeds, our Virgin Mary, and so much more.
The 2024-2025 OCIA Classes meet weekly, beginning September 5th, 2024 from 7-9:00 pm in McGivney Hall. Classes will run through April following the public school calendar. School holidays are observed which means no classes are held the week of Thanksgiving, the two weeks during Christmas, or during Spring Break.
Who Can Attend OCIA? Anyone 18 years of age and older can attend OCIA. It is designed specifically for adults from other Christian congregations who are searching for answers and who would like to learn more about the history, beliefs, and rites of our Catholic faith. We also welcome those who were Baptized Catholic but have not been fully initiated into the Catholic faith and desire to complete their Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Those who are unbaptized and are seeking to answer God’s Call to ‘Come Home’ are especially encouraged and welcome to join us. You can be Baptized, received into the Church, receive Confirmation and your First Holy Communion, along with other OCIA members, at the Easter Vigil. ‘Cradle Catholics’ who have not attended adult formation classes for many years are always welcome to come ‘catch up’. Those who make the decision to become Catholic must attend OCIA in order to join the Church.
For those who have been praying for a loving, welcoming, spiritual community; for those who have little or no faith background; for those wishing to find the answers to your many questions about Catholicism; for those needing a better understanding of Catholicism; we welcome you all with open arms to join us on Thursday evenings on this very special Journey of Faith.
You may register for OCIA on the form at the end of this page or call the church office, 806.698.6400. We encourage you to register online prior to September and hope you will join us and share with us this beautiful life-journey of faith. If you have any questions regarding OCIA, please feel free to contact our Director – Juno Bishop –
The Journey of the Class of 2017-2018
The RCIA class of 2017-2018 welcomed 17 adults into the Catholic faith on March 31,2018 at the Easter Vigil. Eight others who had attended RCIA in the fall of 2017 were Confirmed at the Feast of Christ the King in November. Two young men were baptized and all 17 received their First Holy Communion and were Confirmed by our Father Rudi. In total, 25 members of the RCIA class of 2017-2018 were welcomed into the Church.
The Journey of the Class of 2016-2017
The RCIA class of 2016-2017 welcomed 31 adults into the Catholic faith on April 15, 2017 at the Easter Vigil. After a concentrated 9-month study, 6 were baptized and all 31 joined and/or were Confirmed by the Church. This was one of the largest groups of adults to attend RCIA and join the Church here at Holy Spirit. Our numbers continue to grow!
The Journey of the Class of 2015-2016
The RCIA class of 2015-2016 welcomed 44 adults into the Catholic faith on March 26, 2016 at the Easter Vigil. After a concentrated 9-month study, 12 were baptized and all 44 were confirmed in the Church. This was the largest group of adults in the history of Holy Spirit Catholic Church to attend RCIA and join the Church.
The video of the 2016 Easter Vigil is on the Holy Spirit Web Site under ‘About Us’ – Photo Album, or you may view it here. Thank you Gary Samuels and Edward Rodriguez!
The Journey of the Class of 2014-2015
How Do I Join?
You may fill out the Registration Form below. (Be sure to ‘submit’)
You may call the Church office – 806-698-6400.
You may contact our Director – Juno Bishop –